Monday, April 23, 2007



apigo:write poems

lam:draft 1

gonzales:homework 4

sorro: finish mao paper

coffey: mao paper and work sited

camilo:all classes/ finish any class work

desai:adv.alg/review sheet due final day of exams

kasmi:economics paper parts 1 2 and 3 due friday may 7th.
banned books prepare for finals week

Wednesday, April 18, 2007



Apigo/Lam/Coffey: prep for trial

Sorro: finish opposing para and background

Mitra: finish animal design

GC: hw #4 due friday

Holsen SP3: finish page 481

Holsen Heritage: preguntas: cadena rota

Ides: Health-all about love analysis and substance use letter
photo voice: participatory research paper

Ides: freedom fighter research and presentation

Monday, April 16, 2007



Apigo: finish role sheet #1 and second body paragraph

lam: intro paragraph

proctor: no homework

mitra: finish animal creation project

gonzales: 1 & 2 due thursday

coffey:work on trial and write introduction

holsen: no homework

camilo: (for all classes!) finish unfinished class work and make up work

goka: japanese2:half worksheet on times
japanese4:8 lines each
S.I:rough draft due

desai: bank applacation problem due
adv. alg.:home work ten due friday

huang:exponential portfolio due

kasmai:economics: part 2 on paper over due/ part 3 due next week
banned books: deconstruction of donne due monday

ides: me me me q's for both classes

Monday, April 09, 2007



Apigo: Spring Break packet

Lam: Opposing Perspective packet

Gonzalez: logic problem

Sorro: finsh spring break homework

Coffey: read article: "Uncommented Millions" and fill out response

Holsen Sp1: finish 15 sentences

Sp 4: no HW

Camillo: Sp1: finish 10 sentences

Sp4: review vocab words for quiz

World Lit: roles for Lit Circles
read your books

Desai (Adv. Alg.): exponential Application due next Mon.

Desai (Pre-Cal): logarythum appl problem due next Tues

Botha: portfolio lab due Friday

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