Thursday, April 20, 2006



Luna: tkmb ch.21

Jones:tkmb ch.15,16
charcter choice

Lam: fill out-friday notes
black like me paper firday

Alonzo: alppcantion

Mitra: no hw

Olssen: sludge paper

Huang: #31

Camarillo: work on paper black like me essay

Ides: no hw

Coffey: background paper

Gellar: #3

Holsen spanish1: no hw

Holsen nat. speaker: no hw

Holsen sen. inst: write 10 fact- english about your your preson

Koon:#13 due fir

Kasmai economics: same as yesterday

Kasmai science fict.: same as yesterday

Shage: background due fir

Goka: a #4-10 sentences about people you know!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


April 18, 2006

Luna: Work on civil rights essay

Jones: Start english homework

Lam: Fill out source #1 handout

Alonzo: Worksheet #31. Due Friday

Mitra: No homework

Olsson: Sludge lab. Due Friday



Coffey: Complete outline for your original research

Gellar: Homework #2

Holsen Spanish 1:

Holsen Nat. Speaker:

Holsen Sen. Inst:


Kasmai: Economics:

Kasmai: Science Fiction:


Shange: Proposal for the theme of the paper

Mana: Ad. Art:

Mana: Chic. Stud:

Goka: A#4. Write 10 sentences about people you know

Traylor: Final draft of essay. Due Friday

Monday, April 17, 2006



Luna TKMB ch.15-20(p.144-206)focus on your characters reading log

Jones none


Alonzo worksheet

Mitra none

Olsson none

Huang #31 due friday

Camarillo thesis due tuesday

Coffey find 2-3 articles/write thesis/poem first time due tueday

Gellar #1

Holson Spanish 1 worksheet praterito

Holson Nat.Speaker native terminar

Holson Sen.Inst. spanish 6

Koon none

Kasmai:Economics 3 summaries due friday

Kasmai:Science Fict. read "johnny memonic"



Mana:Ad.Art gives it herself

Mana:chic.stud. gives it herself

Goka sw packet

Friday, April 07, 2006



Alonzo Finish porfolio

Goka Porfolio make up

Mitra None

Mana Art=none chicano Lit:2nd novel-chicano theme send me email for book approval start reading novel

Jenkins 1)catch up on missing assingnment 2)write draft of 5 page essay

Huang #49

Coffey find 2-3 more articles write a thesis w/3 argunments final draft of your 4/5 frisco inner city poems

Ides none

Gellar none

Olsson porfolio outline sludge

Shange none

Holson none

Camarillo 5 articles about your topic

Lam find 2 articles

Thursday, April 06, 2006


April 06,2006

Luna: tkmb- read ch. 13
decision log with qusetion

Jones: tkmb read 8, 9, 10, 11

Alonzo: no hw

Mitra: no hw

Olsson: finish outline of sludgs lab

Huang: math portfolio is due

Camarillo: no hw

Coffey: do research work

Gellar: no hw

Holsen spanish 1: worksheet

Holsen nat. speaker: no hw

Holsen sen. inst.: no hw

Koon: #11
math application

Kasmi economics: no hw

Kasmi science fict.: finish personal tanks

Shange: lit. anysis

Goka: memorize all sentence
bring a dish

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


April 05,2006

Luna: TKMB read chapt. 13 complete decision log with questions. create a thesis for your research topic

Jones: TKAM read chapter 9, 10, 11 due friday

Lam: read article. underline causes for high black unemployment due friday

Alonzo: no homework

Mitra: assit base lab

Olsson: no homework

Huang: finish portfoilo

Camarillo: study for test and take notes and study hard

Coffey: finish poem

Holsen Spanish 1: finish tranlastion

Holsen Nat. Speaker: finish article

Holsen Sen. Inst.: no homework

Koon: homework #12

Kasmai Economics: questions due friday

Kasmai Science Fict: no homework

Jenkins: 5 page essay due friday

Shange: no homework

Mana Ad. Art: no homework

Mana Chic. Stud.: no homework

Goka: remember your lines and bring dish

Geller: no homework

Ides: no homework

Monday, April 03, 2006



Luna TKMB-ch.9 log read ch.11-12 + log be prepared to talk about chapters-summary skills test 2 due-4-4-06

Jones TKMB read 8,9,10,11 due 4-4-06

Lam read pg.164 write a 1/2 page summary dues tues

Alonzo None

Mitra none

Olsson none

Huang finish porfolio

Camarillo none

Coffey 1/2 finish poem about hater,poverty 3/4 finish poem about drugs

Gellar none

Holsen Spanish 1 spanish 2

Koon none

Kasmai:Econmics answer to question due friday

Kasmai: Science Fict. personal question

Jenkins none

Shange none

Goka remember to bring dish

Ides none

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