Thursday, January 26, 2006


January 26,2006 (thur)

Luna: Raisin in the Sun -see hand out, read 49-56. anwers all the question
complete walter prg

Jones: poem presentations
paragraph about mama
review grammar

Lam: finish your questions (due tue)
explain in paragragh if Japanes American internment was racist (due mon)

Alonzo: hw#5 graph
find intercept
find slope(m)

Mitra: no hw

Olsson: none

Huang: Assign #15

Camarillo: select a poem and write it at least once on paper

Coffey: study poem
read Anne Moody and questions

Gellar: hw #8

Hoslen span 1: tarea study la comida 5 period
mas comdia 6 period

Hoslen Nat. Speaker: no hw

Hoslen Sen. Inst.: no hw

Koon:hw#2 due mon in class

Kasmai Economis: no hw

Kasmai science Fict.: read pg 90 in C.O.V.
rewrite college essay

Jenkins: read Sonny's Blues and talk to the text

Shange: no hw

Goka: finish practice sheet

Mana ad. art: continue with value/ depth exercise due mon due monday, jan 30 @ beinnig of the class
Have your phot/picture ready to be photocopied

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