Tuesday, February 28, 2006


February 28, 2006

Luna: Work on essays. Due Friday

Jones: Work on essays. Due Friday

Lam: Final Draft. Due Friday. Japanese Internment Outline. Due thursday

Traylor: Intro paragraph and background. Due thursday

Mitra: Finish the density of liquids lab

Alonzo: No homework

Huang: Portfolio Problem 1 and 2

Camarillo: Raisin in the sun essay. Think of a thesis for JA internment

Coffey: Outline JA internment. Due thursday

Olsson: Lab 7

Holsen Spanish 1: Same as yesterday

Holsen Nat. Speaker: Same as yesterday

Holsen Sen. Inst: Finish complex sentences

Koon: HW #7. Due friday

Kasmai: Economics: Overdue Research paper

Kasmai: Science Fict: Read your lit circle book

Jenkins: Read m. butterfly

Shange: Final draft. Creative writing letter. Due friday


Ides: No homework

Goka: No homework

Monday, February 27, 2006


February 27, 2006

Holsen spanish 1: complex sentences
Luna: J.A internment
Huang: portfolio 1and2
Camarillo: rasin in the sun rough draft due: wed
Coffey: read article & answer(should the goverment give reperations to J.A?)
Olsson: lab#7
Lam: paragraph on J.A interment(due tomorrow),final draft due friday
Traylor: no homework(turn in late essay & outline-raisin in the sun)
Alonze: problem of the week #1(due friday)
Holsen sen.inst:verbos and worksheet
Holsen nat.speaker:
Kasmai economics: finish reading and answer question
Kasmai sciencefict: read
Ides (slam):bring in lyrics that refletion there truth 1page reflection issiue that refletion
Ides (be the change) observation
Goka: no homework

Friday, February 24, 2006


February 24, 2006

ALL HUMANITIES CLASSES in Junior Institute: Raisin in the Sun essay due Monday

Mitra: none

Alonzo: none

Huang: o/p homework packet #22 y/g portfolio problem #1

Holsen: none

Koon: Homework #6

Kasmai: see last week

Jenkins: reading due Monday

Shange: first draft of masterpiece letter

Thursday, February 23, 2006


february 23, 2006

Luna: prepare 4 questions to ask the speaker
finish outline for Japanese Internment

Jones: finish outline
have all history hand outs ready

Traylor: completed outline due friday

Mitra: no hw

Alonzo: no hw

Huang: hw#22

Camarillo: due intro, backgroud, 1st body paragraph

Coffey: finish outline

Olsson: lab #7

Holsen spanish1: no hw

Holsen Nat. speaker: no hw

Holsen sen. inst: no hw

Koon: #6 due monday

Kasmai Economics: all work due

Kasmai science Fict: all work due

Jenkins: see monday/tuesday

Shange: prepare the project

Kolluri: final draft of research paper

Ides: bring your issue w/ 95 min presentation and piece
of research to back it up

Goka: #4 write the name of your family member in a sentence

Galler: no hw


february 23, 2006

Luna: prepare 4 questions to ask the speaker
finish outline for Japanese Internment

Jones: finish outline
have all history hand outs ready

Traylor: completed outline due friday

Mitra: no hw

Alonzo: no hw

Huang: hw#22

Camarillo: due intro, backgroud, 1st body paragraph

Coffey: finish outline

Olsson: lab #7

Holsen spanish1: no hw

Holsen Nat. speaker: no hw

Holsen sen. inst: no hw

Koon: #6 due monday

Kasmai Economics: all work due

Kasmai science Fict: all work due

Jenkins: see monday/tuesday

Shange: prepare the project

Kolluri: final draft of research paper

Ides: bring your issue w/ 95 min presentation and piece
of research to back it up

Goka: #4 write the name of your family member in a sentence

Galler: no hw

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


february 22, 2006

Luna: be prepared for class portfoilo essay you raisin in the sun. perpare 4 questions to ask speaker

Jones: outline

Lam: outline due thursday

Traylor: intro paragraph and background paragraph

Mitra: none

Alonzo: none

Huang: (orange and purple) packet J due wednesday. (green and yellow) hw #22 due friday

Camarillo: write thesis and intro for essay. finish reading raisin in the sun

Coffey: complete outline raisin in the sun due thursday

Olsson: lab 6

Holsen spanish 1: none

Holsen Nat. Speaker: none

Holsen Sen. Inst.: none

Koon: none

Kasmai Economics: none

Kasmai Science Fiction: none

Jenkins: none

Shange: none

Kolluri: final draft due thursday. reading on socialiam of Cuba Venenzula and questions due friday

Ides: observe

Goka: draw family tree

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


February 21, 2006

Luna: Due history outline and english line.

Jones: Outline. Due tomorrow

Lam: Outline. Due thursday

Traylor: Do essay outline. Due next week

Mitra: No homework

Alonzo: No homework

Huang: yellow/green. Packet K: #19A-22 Due Friday
orange/purple. #20. Due Wednesday. #22. Due Friday

Camarillo: magazine article. Read and write a summary. Bring Raisin in The Sun

Coffey: Complete outline. Due 2/22

Olsson: Lab 6. Due 2/22

Holsen Spanish 1: No homework

Holsen Nat. Speaker: No homework

Holsen Sen. Inst: No homework

Koon: No homework

Kasmai: Economics: Original Research paper overdue

Kasmai: Science Fict: Literary Analysis overdue

Jenkins: Write a poem on relationship about beaty and your culture

Shange: No homework

Kolluri: No homework


Goka: Write the names of all your family members

Friday, February 17, 2006


February 17, 2006

Luna: choose one of the essential questions for Raisin in the Sun. Answer in 1 paragraph, and find three peices of evidence in the book










Holsen Spanish 1:

Holsen Nat. Speaker:

Holsen Sen. Inst:

Koon: Math sheet. Due 2/24

Kasmai: Economics

Kasmai:Science Fict: Final draft. Due tuesday



Kolluri: Final draft of poverty paper. Due tuesday



Thursday, February 16, 2006


February 16, 2006

if you have these teacher







no hw, come to the exhibition

Mitra: no hw

Alonzo: study for a quiz

Olsson: Lab 6

Holsen spanish1: no new hw

Holsen nat. speaker: no hw

Holsen sen. inst: no hw

Koon: #5, notebook
challenge problem

Kasmai economics: orig research due tues

Kasmai science fict: lit analysis due friday

Jenkins: character sketch due

Shange: test correction

Kolluri: poverty research project

Ides: senior inst.- slam -bring in your issue w/ one piece of research. ready
to present to class

Goka: finish poster
turn to my box!

Geller: no hw (complete family portrait if not done)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


february 15, 2006

Luna: work on scene

Jones: work on scene

Lam: work on scene

Traylor: work on scene

Mitra: no homework

Alonzo: no homework

Huang:HW #20

Camarillo: get everything ready for play

Coffey: prepare for scene

Olsson: nothing new

Holsen Spanish 1: 10 sentences with "comer" and foods

Holsen Nat. Speaker: none

Holsen Sen. Inst.: none

Koon: same

Kasmai Economics: Orig. research due tuesday

Kasmai Science Fic.: Lit. anaysis due friday

Jenkins: none

Shange: none

Kolluri: reading on Karl Marx "communist manifesto" quiz on friday

Ides: none


Geller: none

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


February 14, 2006

Luna: create a list of reasons for quiz

Jones: REHEARSE!! fill out bubble chart

Traylor: draw your scene and memorize lines

Lam: Memorize your lines.

Mitra: none

Alonzo: none

Huang: O/P homewoork #20. Show work on separate sheet of paper.Due 2/23. Y/G finish packet 2 word problems. Due 2/15

Camarillo: Memorize lines Thursday. Full dress rehersal

Coffey: Practice scenes.

Olsson: Lab 6. Y/S Due Feb. 22. O/P Lab 5 Due Friday

Holssen Spanish 1:

Holssen Nat. Speaker: eat - love. Due 2/21

Holssen Sen. Inst: Make up old homework

Koon: Homework #5

Kasmai: Economics: poverty research essay due!!

Kasmai: Science Fict: final draft of Lit Analysis on Caves of Steel/ college essay

Jenkins: all the character sketch work due on Friday


Kolluri: poverty research essay


Goka: Complete cover sheet and missing assignments

Geller: family portrait project

Monday, February 13, 2006


feburary 13, 2006

Luna: oreal a list of reasons quiz #2 same process as in class

Jones: work on scene

Lam: finish act 2 page 102 write summary due tuesday

Traylor: finish act 2 page 102 write summary due tuesday

Mitra: finish problem on volume

Alonzo: none

Huang: none-same as last time

Camarillo: memorize lines

Coffey: prepare for exhubition

Olsson: none

Holsen spanish1: worksheet due 2/15 (eat/love study verbs)

Holsen Nat. Speaker: none

Holsen Sen. Inst.: finishing my friends future by 2/14. Quiz on 2/14

Koon: homework #5 due friday

Kasmai Economics: none

Kasmai Science Fiction: buy kinder or hand maid tale (by monday/create outline for literary/analysis/reflection 1-2 page/due tuesday next draft college essay)


Shange: none

Kolluri: final draft

Ides: observe

Goka: study for quiz complete cover sheet

Geller: none

Friday, February 10, 2006


February 10, 2006

Luna: Practice scene and be prepared to present organize all the hand outs from this unit, especially those connected to WWII and Japanese Internment. Notes in notebook will be used as well to begin work on essay.

Jones: Make up work. Reading 2/13/06

Lam: Finish Act 2 page 102. Write summary

Alonzo: No homework.

Mitra: Finish experiment paper.

Olsson: Lab 5. Due Tuesday for yellow and green. Lab 5. Due Monday orange and purple.

Huang: 2 words problems. Due Wednesday.

Camarillo: Memorize LH poem and scene.

Coffey: None

Gellar: Family tree

Holsen Spanish 1: None

HOlsen Nat. Speaker: None

Holsen Sen. Inst: None

Koon: Review test 4. Challenge problems. Due by 3p.m

Kasmai: Economics: rough draft of Original Research Poverty Essay

Kasmai: Science Fiction:
1. Literary Analysis on Caves of Steel rough draft
2. 1 to 2 page reflection on Mr. Kasmai's letter
3. Final draft of college essay
4. buy a copy of Kindred by Octavia Butler or The Handmaid's Tale by M. Atwood

Jenkins: rough draft of character sketch

Shange: none

Goka: Homework #22

Ides: Leadership:
1. 2 page reflection on Born into Brothels
2. Hand in journals
3. 5 immediate goals and 5 long term goals

Ides: Be the Change: begin the peer observation


February 10, 2006

Chicano Literature
1. Work on first draft of the portfolio project you have selected as the culminating project for The Circuit. Due Monday, 2-13-06. For those who were absent, possible projects are:
a. write an epic poem about the lives of Pancho and his family
b. life map for The Circuit which includes at least 12 events
c. write a screen play for at least 2 of the chapters of The Circuit, including stage direction as well as dialogue correctly formatted.

Painting 1 and 2
Reminder to bring storage boxes for your supplies.
Next week is completion date for gray scale project for both classes. Several students in P.1 have yet to finalize their drawing.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Feb. 9, 2006

Chicano Literature
1. Quick Write #9 if missed: What 2 lessons did Pancho learn in Ch. To Have and To Hold?
2. Homework: Read over La Jefita by Jose Montoya. Respond to the poem. Suggestions: Compare to The Circuit or compare to your own mother.
3. Make sure you have completed chart for all the chapters. Chart will be collected as a major assignment.

Painting 1
1. Completed drawing for Gray Scale work. Will start painting on Friday, Feb. 10 - Don'f forget to bring a small box (shoebox) to store your paint containers.

Painting 2
1. Bring your sketchbook on Friday, Feb. 10, 2006

Luna: write summary of your scene, read pg 103 to113 due 2/10

Jones: poems due 2/10
walter paragraph
begin to memorize scene
read and complete question of the arcticle

Lam: finish worksheet - ris due fri
1 paragraph explain 3 people's perspectives: loyal or join army resist

Alonzo: makeup work

Mitra: no hw

Olsson: yellow/green-lab5 is due tuesday

Huang: yellow/green -#17& #18 ec fraction review due fri 2/10

Camarillo: remember lines in play

Coffey: block1/2 write a paragraph explaning what you think life in the compus was like
block3/4 contiue writing a paragraph on the jums start

Gellar: no hw

Holsen spanish1: collage

Holsen nat. speaker: same as last night

Holsen sen. inst.: no hw

Koon: challenge due mon

Kasmai economics: orig research rough due mon

Kasmai science fict: lit analysis due next fri
college essay over due

Jenkins: same as Tuesday

Shange: no hw

Goka: a #24 hiragana practice

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


February 7, 2006 **CAHSEE WEEK**

Luna: character chart due thursday

Jones: poem due 2/10 and Walter paragraph due 2/9

Traylor: read to page 82 in Raisin in the Sun by Friday and learn poem

Alonzo: hw #1 through 6 make-up

Huang: Packet #17

Olsson: Lab 5

Camarillo: read to page. 103 in Rasin in the Sun and write one page summary

Coffey: Activity #1 underline anything the government did to discriminate against the Japanese Americans
Study for the exhibition

Gellar: family project

Holsen Nat. Spk: list of 10 events

Koon: Unit Exam on Thursday..STUDY!!

Kasmai: Economics: Quiz in reading on Friday

Kasmai: Science Fiction: rewrite college essay and finish the book

Monday, February 06, 2006


Feb. 6,2006

Luna: Write a paragraph about life in camps. Due Thursday.

Jones: Look on Feb. 3rd

Lam: Finish worksheet R.I.S. Due Friday.

Traylor: Read R.I.S. page 82-108. Summary.

Alonzo: No homework

Mitra: None

Olsson: Lab 5

Huang: #14 - #18. Fraction sheet.

Camarillo: page 83-103. Write a summary.

Coffey: Read act 2. Scene 3. [page 83-102]

Gellar: No homework

Holsen Spanish 1: 8 sentences using verbs amar or comer.

Holsen Nat. Speaker:

Holsen Sen. Inst: Spanish 6 poeta. Worksheet

Koon: Study for unit exam. Bookwork 61, 65, 69, 70, 79, 83, 87, 89, 121, 122, 145, 158, 163.

Kasmai; Economics: K.O.S.

Kasmai; Science Fict: No homework

Jenkins: Finish "yw". Answer "Active Reading" Questions.

Shange: No homework

Mana: Ad. Art:

Mana: Chic. Stud:

Goka: Hiragana Practice S

Kalluri: Inequality of opportunity reading. Due Friday

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Feb. 3rd, 2006

due 2/6 Write 1 para. on: Is it fair to say that the government was racist toward the Japanes Americans before WW II? Do you think the internment was based on racism? Provide evidence from handouts.

due 2/7: complete character chart for Mama. Beneatha, and Walter (also update Ruth)

Jones: vocabulary quiz on 2/8
poem presentation on 2/10
Walter paragraph due on 2/10

Lam: Read Raisin in the Sun

Alonzo: none

Mitra: none

Olsson: Lab 4

Huang: finish packet # 17 and fraction sheet

Camarillo: none

Coffey: Read Act II scene III pg. 83-102

Geller: none

Holsen sp1: none

Holsen Nat. Spk: none

Holsenn Senior Inst: 60 to 100 word story

Koon: none

Kasmai: Economics: none

Science Fiction: read in C.O.V. pg.160-194

Goka: write all kanji 3 times

Kolluri: reading on Nursing AIDS

Thursday, February 02, 2006


feb. 2,2006

Luna: Write a summary of scene presented. Friday
Raisn-read pg83-97
write paragragh summarizing photo presentations-no more than 14 sentences

Jones: poem 1/2 and 3/4
Japanese intemment +paragragh
read anne moody (all due fri)

Traylor: jounals
read peom and being to memorize 1 of them
Lam: summarize act 1 due fri

Alonzo: do hws6 y=mx+b
orange go over a=1/2bh

Mitra: land use worksheet
waste worksheet

Olsson: do lab 4

Huang: #17 cahsee review packet pg1-6

Camarillo: 3/4 summarizing of act 2 scene1

Coffey: due mon: acaivty# 1 underline anything
due fri: paragragh on walter
read act 2 scene 3 83-102

Gellar: #11

Holesen spanish1: practic diagloue to pregent fri

Holesn nat. speaker: all 4 poem due

Holesn sen. inst: no hw

Koon: quiz 2 fri
hw packet 3

Kasmi economics: quiz on reading, tomorrow

Kamai science fict.: college eassy due fri
read cos to 159

Jenkins: no hw

Shange: journal, what imege do you remember most from the flim? what will happen next?

Mana ad. art: no hw

Mana chic. stud.: no hw

Goka: preparation points, hiragana practre
quiz on fri

Kolluri: same as kasmai

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Ms Luna Write a summary of the scence you presented read raisin in the sun pg 83-97
answer questions History- for thursday 2/2 stufy for key terms test

Ms Jones Jappanese internment paragraph continue to memorize walter paragraph poems

Mr Lam Summarize act 1 due friday describe what life was like in the camps due thursday

Mr AlonzoH.W #6 do 7 out of 9

Ms Traylor Write 2 paragraphs about life interment begin memorizing poem

Mr Mitra Study for testgment

Ms Huang Assigment #

Ms Coffey reads act II pg 83-102

Ms Gellar Assigment #11

Holsen Spanish 1 10 oraciones de pelicula

Holsen native speakers Poema con rimas

Holsen Senoior Institute dialogy reading

Ms Shange same as yesterday

Ms Goka Hiragana practice R quiz on friday


Painting 1 & 2

Painting I
1. Select and bring to class an image for your achromatic (gray scale) abstract art.
2. Students who have not already turned in Using Value to create depth assignment must
turn assignment in on Friday, Feb. 3rd.

Painting 2
1. Bring in recycled cans for Gamsol.
2. Bring in old rags or or towels for cleaning brushes & blending.


Chicano Lit. - Ms. Monge Mana

1. If your were absent today, Feb. 1, 2006: Quick Write #7 What do you think are the reasons behind the writing of HR4437? In your opinion, are these reasons valid?
2. Homework: Finish Reading: Chapter 4 Chicanos in California
Respond: How does HR 4437 mirror the experiences of Chicanos/Mexicanos during the
Great Depression era?

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