Thursday, February 09, 2006


Feb. 9, 2006

Chicano Literature
1. Quick Write #9 if missed: What 2 lessons did Pancho learn in Ch. To Have and To Hold?
2. Homework: Read over La Jefita by Jose Montoya. Respond to the poem. Suggestions: Compare to The Circuit or compare to your own mother.
3. Make sure you have completed chart for all the chapters. Chart will be collected as a major assignment.

Painting 1
1. Completed drawing for Gray Scale work. Will start painting on Friday, Feb. 10 - Don'f forget to bring a small box (shoebox) to store your paint containers.

Painting 2
1. Bring your sketchbook on Friday, Feb. 10, 2006

Luna: write summary of your scene, read pg 103 to113 due 2/10

Jones: poems due 2/10
walter paragraph
begin to memorize scene
read and complete question of the arcticle

Lam: finish worksheet - ris due fri
1 paragraph explain 3 people's perspectives: loyal or join army resist

Alonzo: makeup work

Mitra: no hw

Olsson: yellow/green-lab5 is due tuesday

Huang: yellow/green -#17& #18 ec fraction review due fri 2/10

Camarillo: remember lines in play

Coffey: block1/2 write a paragraph explaning what you think life in the compus was like
block3/4 contiue writing a paragraph on the jums start

Gellar: no hw

Holsen spanish1: collage

Holsen nat. speaker: same as last night

Holsen sen. inst.: no hw

Koon: challenge due mon

Kasmai economics: orig research rough due mon

Kasmai science fict: lit analysis due next fri
college essay over due

Jenkins: same as Tuesday

Shange: no hw

Goka: a #24 hiragana practice

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