Friday, April 07, 2006
Alonzo Finish porfolio
Goka Porfolio make up
Mitra None
Mana Art=none chicano Lit:2nd novel-chicano theme send me email for book approval start reading novel
Jenkins 1)catch up on missing assingnment 2)write draft of 5 page essay
Huang #49
Coffey find 2-3 more articles write a thesis w/3 argunments final draft of your 4/5 frisco inner city poems
Ides none
Gellar none
Olsson porfolio outline sludge
Shange none
Holson none
Camarillo 5 articles about your topic
Lam find 2 articles
Goka Porfolio make up
Mitra None
Mana Art=none chicano Lit:2nd novel-chicano theme send me email for book approval start reading novel
Jenkins 1)catch up on missing assingnment 2)write draft of 5 page essay
Huang #49
Coffey find 2-3 more articles write a thesis w/3 argunments final draft of your 4/5 frisco inner city poems
Ides none
Gellar none
Olsson porfolio outline sludge
Shange none
Holson none
Camarillo 5 articles about your topic
Lam find 2 articles