Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Apigo: R&J scene rewrite due friday
practice your lines
Lam: background paragraph due thursday
Proctor: Packet #7 due 12/8 purple and orange
Packet #7 due 12/7 yellow and green
Mitra: brainstorm about where in JJSE there's the most bacteria . how do we prevent bacteria infection?
Olsson: Hamburger Lab and Naked Egg over due!!
G-C: hw #2
Sorro: hw#21 work on re-wrting peaceful conflict
Coffey: portfolio for R & J
complete overdue assignments
Holsen (SP1): finish pages 1-5
Holsen (SP3): final draft of all pages
Holsen (heritage): final of incident
Goka: assignment #22 practice T
Goka S.I.: revised WL portfolio due Wed
Traylor Pop Culture: brainstorm ideas for final project due Friday
vocab chart/story due Friday
Traylor World Lit: permission slips
reading log due Friday also, vocab chart and story due Friday
Desai AA: Packet #13 due Friday
Desai Pre-Cal: Packet #13 due Friday
Ides S.I.: Bring in article
Botha: Air bag lab due Friday
practice your lines
Lam: background paragraph due thursday
Proctor: Packet #7 due 12/8 purple and orange
Packet #7 due 12/7 yellow and green
Mitra: brainstorm about where in JJSE there's the most bacteria . how do we prevent bacteria infection?
Olsson: Hamburger Lab and Naked Egg over due!!
G-C: hw #2
Sorro: hw#21 work on re-wrting peaceful conflict
Coffey: portfolio for R & J
complete overdue assignments
Holsen (SP1): finish pages 1-5
Holsen (SP3): final draft of all pages
Holsen (heritage): final of incident
Goka: assignment #22 practice T
Goka S.I.: revised WL portfolio due Wed
Traylor Pop Culture: brainstorm ideas for final project due Friday
vocab chart/story due Friday
Traylor World Lit: permission slips
reading log due Friday also, vocab chart and story due Friday
Desai AA: Packet #13 due Friday
Desai Pre-Cal: Packet #13 due Friday
Ides S.I.: Bring in article
Botha: Air bag lab due Friday