Monday, December 04, 2006
Apigo: write historical backround intro paragraph and romeo + juliet practice
Lam: one state/two state worksheet due tuesday
Proctor: packet 7 due 12/6< orange and purple
packet 7 due 12/5< yellow and green
Mitra: No homework
Olsson: hamburger lab due monday and tuesday
Gonzalez: no homework
Sorro: HW #20 attached to handout
Coffey: 1)R+J portfolio
2) intro for isreal/palestine portfolio due wednesday
Holsen spanish 1: page 1 and 2
Holsen spanish 3: paginas 2 and 3
Holsen heritage: incidentes 1 y 2
Holsen S.I: incidentes
Francisco spanish 1: rough draft of pages 1-3
Francisco spanish 3: rough draft of page 2-4
Francisco S.I: rough draft of page 2-4
Goka japanese 1: practise R assignment #18 quiz tomarrow
Goka japanese 3: bring picture for portfolio to make it look good
Goka S.I: bring picture for portfolio to make it look good
Traylor Pop culture: brain storm ideas Final project due wednesday
Traylor world lit: permission to watch LWFC
Desai Adv. Alg: Packet # 13
Desai Pre-calculus: packet #13
Huang Adv. Alg: HW #12
Kasmai: background briefing overdue
Shange: study for exam
Ides S.I:
Ides J.I:
Botha chem: airbag report due friday 12/8
Lam: one state/two state worksheet due tuesday
Proctor: packet 7 due 12/6< orange and purple
packet 7 due 12/5< yellow and green
Mitra: No homework
Olsson: hamburger lab due monday and tuesday
Gonzalez: no homework
Sorro: HW #20 attached to handout
Coffey: 1)R+J portfolio
2) intro for isreal/palestine portfolio due wednesday
Holsen spanish 1: page 1 and 2
Holsen spanish 3: paginas 2 and 3
Holsen heritage: incidentes 1 y 2
Holsen S.I: incidentes
Francisco spanish 1: rough draft of pages 1-3
Francisco spanish 3: rough draft of page 2-4
Francisco S.I: rough draft of page 2-4
Goka japanese 1: practise R assignment #18 quiz tomarrow
Goka japanese 3: bring picture for portfolio to make it look good
Goka S.I: bring picture for portfolio to make it look good
Traylor Pop culture: brain storm ideas Final project due wednesday
Traylor world lit: permission to watch LWFC
Desai Adv. Alg: Packet # 13
Desai Pre-calculus: packet #13
Huang Adv. Alg: HW #12
Kasmai: background briefing overdue
Shange: study for exam
Ides S.I:
Ides J.I:
Botha chem: airbag report due friday 12/8