Thursday, March 15, 2007
March 15, 2007
Apigo: How do you view Mao based on today?
Lam: Interview
Proctor: Portfolio Application 1
Gonzalez: Math application 1 = area due today; Math application 2=perimeter due Friday
Sorro: Finish background and first body
Coffey: Write your conclusion
Traylor: Comparison of interview + Jungle due Friday 3/16
Desai: Adv Alg=#6 due Friday; Pre Cal=#7 due Friday
Huang: #6
Kasmai: Lit=Banned Books: Read "Death be not proud' 15 times; write a formal summary of the last classes student presentation on Foucault; finish lesson plan ; Econ= 2 paragraphs on Marx due Friday, Econ paperpart I overdue!
Botha: Fill in lab #4 chart
Lam: Interview
Proctor: Portfolio Application 1
Gonzalez: Math application 1 = area due today; Math application 2=perimeter due Friday
Sorro: Finish background and first body
Coffey: Write your conclusion
Traylor: Comparison of interview + Jungle due Friday 3/16
Desai: Adv Alg=#6 due Friday; Pre Cal=#7 due Friday
Huang: #6
Kasmai: Lit=Banned Books: Read "Death be not proud' 15 times; write a formal summary of the last classes student presentation on Foucault; finish lesson plan ; Econ= 2 paragraphs on Marx due Friday, Econ paperpart I overdue!
Botha: Fill in lab #4 chart