Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Ms.luna: Raisin in the sun read 74-98

Ms.jones: poem 2/1 japanese interment/read ann moody piece

Mr.mitra Quiz

Mr. lam:

Ms. traylor: write 2 paragraphs about reasons why the J.A. were interned during WWII

Mr.alonzo homework 7out of 9 y=mxb

Ms.huang o/p assignment #17 p 1,2,3 due thur / y/o assignment pg 1,2,3

Mr.olsson no homework

Mr.camarillo characterization chart 4 walter/write a paragraph summarizing what life was like 4 jews n camp

Ms.coffey write a summary act 2:scenes 1+2 write paragraph due 2 morrow

Ms gellar #10 spanish

Ms.holsen same

Ms.holsen same

Ms holsen 10 oraciones pelicula

Ms koon homework number 3 quiz on fri

Mr.kasmai ec quiz on fri

Mr.kasmai sci fi read pg 59

Ms.shange journal write describe your experiments of seeing drugs

Ms.goka hiragona practice/quiz on fri due wed

Ms. jenkins: finish character flow chart
write one page of characterization of the story board

Monday, January 30, 2006


January 30, 2006

Luna: Raisin in the Sun- see handout. read 49-56. Answer all questions and complete paragraph on Walter. Choose segment to present.

Jones: Write a paragraph. Summarize on "Internments of Japanese Americans" article = 3 points.

Lam: Finish your questions.

Alonzo: Homework #6

Mitra: Get ready for the test tomorrow.

Olsson: No homework.

Huang: CHASEE Review Packet.

Camarillo: Character chart for Walter.

Coffey: 3 reasons you picked that you underline in the article from Americans odyssy and paraphrase them. Then explain if you agree or disagree with them.

Geller: #9

Holson Spanish 1: Study all foods words for quiz.

Holson Nat. Speaker: Study poem to present in class.

Holson Sen. Inst: Worksheet: Futuro

Koon: Worksheet #5

Kasmai: Economics: 2 readings. a quiz on Friday

Kasmai- Science Fict: read 91-127 in C.O.V.


Shange: No homework

Mana: Ad. Art:

Mana: Chic. Stud.

Goka: Practice P


Thursday, January 26, 2006


January 26,2006 (thur)

Luna: Raisin in the Sun -see hand out, read 49-56. anwers all the question
complete walter prg

Jones: poem presentations
paragraph about mama
review grammar

Lam: finish your questions (due tue)
explain in paragragh if Japanes American internment was racist (due mon)

Alonzo: hw#5 graph
find intercept
find slope(m)

Mitra: no hw

Olsson: none

Huang: Assign #15

Camarillo: select a poem and write it at least once on paper

Coffey: study poem
read Anne Moody and questions

Gellar: hw #8

Hoslen span 1: tarea study la comida 5 period
mas comdia 6 period

Hoslen Nat. Speaker: no hw

Hoslen Sen. Inst.: no hw

Koon:hw#2 due mon in class

Kasmai Economis: no hw

Kasmai science Fict.: read pg 90 in C.O.V.
rewrite college essay

Jenkins: read Sonny's Blues and talk to the text

Shange: no hw

Goka: finish practice sheet

Mana ad. art: continue with value/ depth exercise due mon due monday, jan 30 @ beinnig of the class
Have your phot/picture ready to be photocopied

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


january 25, 2006

Ms Luna Read Raisin in the sun see study questions history complete chart for WWII World leader on seperate sheet of paper

Ms Jones Paragraph for mama due thursday

Mr Lam Finish your questions do you agree or disagree due tuesday, Paraphrase 3 reasons USA intemed Japan due Thursday

Mr Alonzo HW #5 graph find intercept, find slope due thursday

Mr Mitra No Homework

Mr Olsson Lab #3

Ms Huang Assigment #15

Mr Camarillo No Homework

Ms Coffey Poem to recite memeorize it

Ms Holsen Spanish #1 Sentances about what you like to eat

Ms Holsen Senior Institute 2 paragraphs about film

Ms Holsen Native SpeakerTerminar poema del amor y amistad

Ms Shange No Homework

Ms Goka 10-10 Amandu practice

Mr. Kasmai:
Science Fiction: read to p. 90 in C.O.S. due: Monday Quiz on Monday
rewrite rough draft of college essay
Economics: Answer question: what is a real world example of Smith's invisible hand?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


January 24th, 2006

Ms. Luna: African Culture Identity due: thurs

Ms. Jones: poem/paraghraph/review grammar.due;1/25

Alonzo; homework #5 due.

Mitra; No homework.

Olsson; Lab 3 1/2 or duealready due thur.

Huang; HW #13 orange/purple.#1>#13 due wed.

Camarillo; everyone study key terms/10 appositives due. thur

Coffey; homework read negro mother/wk sheet on appositres.

Geiiar; homework #7 due 28. appositives.

Holsen; spanish 1 No homework.

Holsen nat.speaker; finish learnig poem.

Holsen sen.inst; 2 paragraphs about film.

Koon. homework packet 2 due thur.

Kasmai;economics; read adams smith.

Kasmai;scienece fict. read co.s.1-30 write codege essay.

Jenkins; Fiinsh reading Sonny's Blues and Talk to the Text

Shange; no homework.



Goka; hiragana practice due 2m

Kolluri 306;

Ms.trailer define simulate due thur

****sat prep sat 10;00 am to 3;00 pm @ JJSE.

Monday, January 23, 2006


january 23, 2006

Ms Luna st asummary based on holocaust pictures
Ms Jones Rewrite grammar sentances, read highlight on pearl harbor, poem presentation
Mr Lam Summarize in paragraph holocaust pics due tuesday
Mr Alonzo Assigment #4
Mr Mitra Study for quiz when Mitra comes back from vacation
Mr Olsson Lab #2
Ms Huang Assigment #12
Mr Camarillo Summary reason
Ms Coffey No Homework
Ms Holsen Spanish1 Animal poem finish it
Holsen Native speaker study poem to recite presentation on friday
Holsen Senior institute No Homework
Ms Shange No Homework
Ms Goka A#9 Hiragana practice N
Ms Gellar: Tarea #6
Ms Koon
Ms Jenkins: read "Sonny Blues" and complete log
Mr. Kasmai: Economics: Adam Smith reading and quiz on Thurs/2 question worksheet on poverty project
Science Fict: read to page 60 of Caves of Steel/ 5 paragraph college essay rough draft



january 23, 2006

Ms Luna st asummary based on holocaust pictures
Ms Jones Rewrite grammar sentances, read highlight on pearl harbor, poem presentation
Mr Lam Summarize in paragraph holocaust pics due tuesday
Mr Alonzo Assigment #4
Mr Mitra Study for quiz when Mitra comes back from vacation
Mr Olsson Lab #2
Ms Huang Assigment #12
Mr Camarillo Summary reason
Ms Coffey No Homework
Ms Holsen Spanish1 Animal poem finish it
Holsen Native speaker study poem to recite presentation on friday
Holsen Senior institute No Homework
Ms Shange No Homework
Ms Goka A#9 Hiragana practice N

Friday, January 20, 2006


january 20, 2006

Ms Jenkins-No Homework
Ms Shange- JW:Record all meals for three days
Ms Goka- Hiragana A#7 practice Letter M
Ms Holsen Senoir Insttitute-Rhyming Poem
Ms Holsen Native Speaker- Pick poem to recite
Ms Holsen Spanish#1- No Homework
Ms Coffey- Study for poem to recite Annotate Book
Mr Camarillo- H.W 2,3,4, of Holaoucaust gallery
Ms Huang- Assigment #11
Mr Olsson- Lab #2 Physical Change
Mr Mitra- study for quiz when Mitra comes back from vacation
Mr Alonzo- H.W #4, find intercepts for 6 questions do slope side graph 3 of the M
Mr Lam- Summarize in paragraph the holocaust pics due tuesday
Ms Jones-H.W read your part,Binders 1/23 feminist identification
Ms Luna- In what ways is benetha expossing feminist identification high light into pearl harbor.read poem the negro mother by langston Hughes write a paragraph in which you make connections between the poem and mama, why do ruth and mama fid these ideas funny?


january 18, 2006

Ms Jenkins-No Homework
Ms Shange- JW:Record all meals for three days
Ms Goka- Hiragana A#7 practice Letter M
Ms Holsen Senoir Insttitute-Rhyming Poem
Ms Holsen Native Speaker- Pick poem to recite
Ms Holsen Spanish#1- No Homework
Ms Coffey- Study for poem to recite Annotate Book
Mr Camarillo- H.W 2,3,4, of Holaoucaust gallery
Ms Huang- Assigment #11
Mr Olsson- Lab #2 Physical Change
Mr Mitra- study for quiz when Mitra comes back from vacation
Mr Alonzo- H.W #4, find intercepts for 6 questions do slope side graph 3 of the M
Mr Lam- Summarize in paragraph the holocaust pics due tuesday
Ms Jones-H.W read your part,Binders 1/23g feminist identification
Ms Luna- In what ways is benetha expossing feminist identification high light into pearl harbor.
Read poem the negro mother by langston Hughes write a paragraph in which you make connections between the poem and mama, why do ruth and mama fid these ideas funny?

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Thursday, January 19, 2006

Luna: combining sentences
redo: subordination, conjunction
read: raisin in the sun to page 38

Jones: 1-read your part
2-read highlighted info on Pearl Harbor

Lam: 1 para on peom
1 para summarizing Holocaust gallery

Alonzo: hw#4 x and y intercepts for 6 equations
graph 3 equiations, slop problems

Traylor: same as Lam

Mitra: no homework

Olsson: (yellow & green) lab 1 & 2 do.
the other group to

Huang: assignment #7 & #9




Holsen spanish1: animal poem

Holsen Nat. Speaker: no homework

Holsen sen. inst.: no homework


Kasmai: economics:no homework

Kasmai: science fict.: commen test postponed

Jenkins: same as yesterday

Shange. Health: read p.27-31. TW: would you have hope if you was born into Amy's situation?

Mana:ad. art:

Mana: chic. stud:

Goka: no homework

Kolluri: reading quiz tomorrow (fri)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


January 18, 2006

Luna: Study WW II terms for quiz
Find evidence from "Raisn in the Sun" to back up words that describe Ruth

Jones: Raisin the Sun vocabulary formal definitions in English journal

Lam: Read to p. 35
Compare the dream of the narrator in the poem "Negro Mama" to the character Mama's dreams in Raisin in the Sun
(1 paragraph)

Alonzo: Homework #2

Mitra: none

Olsson: yellow/green: Lab 2 (physical change)
orange/purple: packet A (assignment 1,2, and 4 and Lab 1 due Friday

Huang: yellow/green: packet with #7 and #9 and correct quiz #8 (due Fri.)
orange/purple: assignment #9

Camarillo: flashcards for key terms and 2 flashcards for FDR and Winston Churchill

Coffey: Grammar and annotations on scene p 13-17

Gellar: Tarea # 4

Koon: Homework packet #1 and math application draft

Kasmai (Economics): Quiz on article "Night Economist"
Kasmi (Science Fiction): Quiz on 10 comma rules

Jenkins: finish "WM" and complete worksheet

Ides (Senior Inst): read "Youth Empowerment", choose a quote, and wrire a poem with quote in response to reading
write a response to what the challenges and benefits are to youth empowerment

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Luna : character chart of Ruth due Wed.
Raisin in the Sun vocabulary definitions in notebook

Jones: character chart of Ruth due Wed.
Raisin in the Sun vocabulary definitions in notebook

Lam : read to page 35 and write a paragraph comparing the dreams of Langhston Hughes poem "Negro Mama" and Mama's
dreams from the story

Traylor: study for WW1 and WW2 term test

Alonzo: Homework #2 and #3

Mitra :

Olsson: Lab1: Mix it Up
Lab2: physical change lab

Huang: orange/purple: correct quiz "8 (due. Thursday)
yellow/green: packet #1-#5 (due Wed)

Camarillo: block 3/4: write 2 paragraphs and make connections between Langston Hughes poem "Negro Mama" and Mama from Raisin in the Sun.

Coffey: grammar and annotate Scene 1

Gellar: Tarea #4

Holsen Spanish 1: biopoema/metaphore poem typed

Holsen Nat. Speaker: yo soy odo finished and typed

Holsen Sen. Inst.: list of rhyming words

Koon: Finish draft of math application due Friday

Kasmai: Economics: quiz on Night Economist on Friday

Kasmai: Science Fict. : 10 comma rules quiz on Friday

Jenkins: finish "WM" and worksheet


Mana: Ad. Art

Mana: Chic. Stud.

Goka: write all 38 hiragana 3 times and study for quiz

Friday, January 13, 2006


January 13 2006

Lam: Read pg 27 paragraph summary on Walter or Ruth
Alonzo: Hw: Assigment #2
Olsson: No Homework
Huang: Assigment #7
Gellar: No Homework
Holsen Spanish #1
Holsen Spanish native Speakers
Jenkins Complete Visual storyboard folder Due: Tuesday v17
Shange: No Homework
Monge-Mana-Ad Art: Finish line activity 4 compositions : 1 straight lkline 1 bent line 1 combination
Monge-Mana-Chicano Studies: Outline of 1st essay see handout, will write in class essay from outline
Goka: No Homework
Kasmai: Economics: Quiz on readings
Sci. Fiction:

Thursday, January 12, 2006


January 12, 2006

Luna: I paragraph summary of Treaty of Versailles

Jones: I paragraph summary of Treaty of Versailles and study for test on terms

Lam: Study for test on terms
Draw the room setting of Raisen in the Sun

Alonzo: Homework #2

Mitra: none

Olsson: none

Huang: yellow/green: packet#1-5 due Wed 1/18
orange/purple: hw #5

Camarillo: none

Coffey: write summary of scene
study vocab and poem "Harlem"

Gellar: Tarea # 3

Holsen Spanish 1/2: Poema #1 Biopema Poema #2: Poema de metaforas

Koon: rough draft of problem

Kasmai: Economics: Quiz on readings
Sci. Fiction:

Jenkins: Film Lab

Goka: 7th period: practice "L" and "K"

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


January 11, 2006

Ms. Luna
No Homework

Ms. Jones
Continue to memorize terms

Mr. Lam
Draw a picture
Due Friday

Mr Alonzo

Ms Holsen
Spanish 1 Simll y Metaforos
Spanish 2 Simil Y Metaforos
Native Speakers: Terminar los dos poemas

Mr Olsson
Finish Periodic # assigned in claas.

Ms Coffey
Define words and put them into note cards

Ms Trailor
Due: Friday paragraph WWII Terms

Mr Mitra
Study for Chemistry Quiz

Ms Goka-Lee
5th Period- L
7th Period- K

Ms Huang
Assigment# 5

Mr Camarillo
Paraphrase WW2 terms in your own words

Ms Monge-Mana
Chicano Studies- Finish double entry journal
Art- no homework

Mr Kolluri
Study for Test

Mr Kasmai
Economics: 2 pages of reading quiz on friday

Ms. Shange
Health-binder+joined the thing.

Ms. Jenkins
Alienation and You

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


January 10, 2006

Ms. Luna: memorize definition of stage direction and mood

Mr. Lam: paraphrase World War 2 terms/draw a picture of Rasin in the Sun house

Mr. Alonzo: homework #1

Ms.Holsen: poem-5,6,7

Mr.Olsson: No work

Ms. Gellar: Tarea #1 kanye west,etc

Ms.Coffey: notecard definitions

Ms. Jenkins: write a letter

Mr. Kolluri: quiz on friday

Ms. Jones: Finish memory terms

Ms. Trailor: Draw a picture of the house in Rasin in the Sun.

Mr. Mitra: study for quiz

Ms. Goka-Lee:practice K

Ms. Huang:assignment #3 solving for "x"

Ms. Monge-Mana: art finish 4 shading technique practice if not turned in

Ms. Shange health-binder+joined the thing.

Mr. Camarillo: Paraphrase WW2 terms in your own words

Mr. Kasmai: Economic 2 pages of reading quiz on friday

Sci Fi: 1page reflection on "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas"
answering the question: would you walk away from Omelas?

Monday, January 09, 2006




Ms Luna
Organize old binder
Buy new binder and english notebook

Ms Jones
Write definitions and put them in your own words

Mr Lam
Due Wed: paraphrase terms

Mr Alonzo
H.W #1

Ms Holsen
Spanish for native speakers: Finish writing poems

Mr Olsson
Assigment #1 Warm up
Assigment #2 Lecture intro to Chemistry
Assigment#3 Elements Project

Ms Coffey
What images come to mind with the setting of the play?
Draw a picture of what the youngs house looks like

Mr Mitra
No Homework

Ms Huang
H.W Assigment #3

Mr Camarillo
Get a new 2006 Humanities notebook due Tuesday

Ms Monge-Mana
Chicano studies Ben Diagram and bring supplies

Ms Shange

Bring in seperate journal and binder can be combined Due Tuesday 1/12/06

Msw Goka_Lee
Practice J

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